Head office:

Luger Gesellschaft m.b.H.
Werkvertretungen & Service

Tullnerbachstraße 55
A-3011 Purkersdorf

Tel.: +43 2231 63539 0
Fax: +43 2231 63539 52
E-Mail: office@luger.eu


Luger Kft.

Deés u. 38
H-1147 Budapest

Tel.: +36 1 220 5962
E-Mail: office@luger.hu

Czech Republic / Slovakia:

Luger spol. s r.o.

K Bytovkám 235
CZ-251 63 Kunice

Tel.: +420 323 605 080
Tel.: +420 323 603 494
E-Mail: office@luger.cz


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About us

Luger GmbH is an Austrian family-owned company focused for more than 50 years on sales, design and maintenance of machines and peripheral devices in the plastics processing industry.